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Today will be Better!

Need some encouraging words? Check out thehappylife101


“I wake up every morning believing today is going be better than yesterday.”             -Will Smith

Have you ever experienced waking up so refreshed, full of energy and high-spirited, but so stressed and worn-out at the end of the day? I admit that I do too, sometimes- during those times when I forget that I can be in control.

You see, people wake up everyday in an auto-pilot mode. We do the same stuff that we do, and we usually treat situations almost the same as we always do. As a result, we experience more or less the same things. Unfortunately, we also experience the not-so-favorable things because we usually let others dictate and influence how we will act.

Here’s a good fact: We have the power to be in-charge and we can choose how to run this day!

Let me share with you some tips that works well with…

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What is Pocket Mail?

A whole new world of pen pals stuff! Anyone interested?

Pocket Letters

I created Pocket Letters™ (or pocket mail) as a new way to send letters to your new or existing penpals. Basically, you fill all the pockets of a Pocket Letter™ insert or a 9 Pocket Trading Card Protector  and send the whole page to someone who wants to swap with you. This can be a one-time exchange or you can keep exchanging these types of letters indefinitely. You fill each pocket with anything you like (stickers, tea bags, a note, washi tape samples, pictures, etc.) A short note or letter is included and tucked into one of the pockets. Then the entire layout is folded up and sent in a standard 10 size envelope. It’s the perfect way to send and collect letters from other “Pocket Letter Pals” (ie people who are sending mail in this format) around the world and a convenient way to store them. They fit perfectly in a binder!

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Anxiety, stress, depression, Oh my

I’ve been real busy trying to get my research paper’s done. I’ve also been drowning in my anxiety and my stress levels are way off chart. I can’t stand that I’m an introvert and an empath. I feel exhausted and fatigued all the time. Add hypersensitive to that. I feel I’m spiraling into depression. 
I have so much on my plate, so what, in my right mind, made me think that I could add more? 
I know I’m doing good, but at what cost? With no help or support my kiddos often see an angry mom. I try not to be. I don’t know how much more of this emotional rollercoaster I can take. 
I can’t stand a lot of noise but I have no escape. I can’t stand the whinning, but I do whatever I can to make them happy. 
I worked for 3+ hours trying to get an official outline of my 10 page research done that would’ve been maybe an hours worth. And I’ve yet to finish it. It’s got to be turned in Sunday evening. 
During those three hours, I was constantly interupted by questions, wants, and tattle tales. This was right after supper so they weren’t hungry but yet asked for snacks, which I obliged. They had already had drinks but asked for more. Then there was the never ending tattle tales. And y’all already know I can’t focus for anything unless I’m left alone. It’s frustrating, to say the least.
I kept telling them that I’m doing homework, let me finish. I repeatedly asked them to go into the living room or their room until I’m done and they’d repeatedly come back. 
I hate feeling angry and  frustrated. I want to feel happy and relaxed. (I have many other vents that affect my moods but I’d rather keep them private). I just needed to complain. I’m sure there are far worst things that others are going through. It’s just, this is what I’m going through right now that’s hard.
This blog, my drawing, and my crochet are what helps a little but with the never-ending demands of my kiddos and all around household I don’t get much time with that either. 
I need a fishing trip all by myself. Yep, that’s what I need. Just me, a boat, and my fishing gear. Okay, maybe the kiddos would enjoy it too.
Whelp, that’s all for now. 
Until next time. . . 

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Proud Moment


You have earned a place on the Winter 2016 School of Arts and Sciences Dean’s List at Southern New Hampshire University. Being named to this list reflects the consistent academic excellence of your work this last semester or term. Well Done!

The Dean’s List is an academic achievement awarded to a select group of students who have committed to academic excellence during a semester or term. To be eligible for this honor, a student must attain an academic grade point average of 3.50 – 3.699.

Although, at the moment, my GPA is 3.732 I’ll take it!

I nearly cried reading this. I feel my hard work is paying off. I hope to continue keeping the GPA as I work towards my BA.

Just wanted to take a moment to share this milestone with y’all!

Thank y’all so much for all the encouragement!

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One More

Hey, hey, hey! Check it out! My brother, who I introduced y’all to awhile back, has finally a page of his own!


One more wish, 
One more day
I would choose another path
And go a different way
I walk through constant darkness
In search of helping light
Everything is seeming wrong
Even what is right
This thing that I call living
Is pulling me farther down
Its making me feel so helpless
And puts me in the ground
I have many sleepless nights
My mind just never quits
I ask myself this question
When will this be it
Never have I wanted 
My life to be in pain
I hold myself accounted 
But to me its all the same
One day the hurt will stop
I’ll finally have some peace
The day that I’ll be ended
And my living then will cease


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Pen-Pals, yay or nay?

I’ve been thinking of looking into pen palling (if that’s even a word). I used to when I was younger. I thought it was kind of a lost art, due to fb and email,but when I checked out the penpals hashtags on IG I saw that there were people who still pen-pal. Who new?! I love snail mail!

So to those that pen-pal, do you just randomly pick someone and say hey let’s be pen-pals? Do you pick a  pen-pal from another country you’d like to learn more about? How do you go about becoming someone’s pen-pal? I guess I’m asking what is the pen pal etiquette?

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What in the world

Am I going to do?

Welp, I started my 4th term and I think I’m getting the hang of it! 😀 The class I’m most excited about is my Literature class. We’re studying mythology! My favorite! I keep wanting to read ahead. I can’t stop reading it! One thing at a time, I know.

I’m not sure how I feel about math history just yet. Right off the bat, we were assigned a 10 page research. The professor gave us 5 topics to choose from: history of math, fibonacci golden ratio, kepler’s snowflake, infinity, and tesellations. I chose tesellations. Yep, not sure how I feel. Maybe once I get all the resources it’ll be easy to go forth.

While I like the convenience of the online classes, sometimes with everything going on, I wish I could go to a class. I have no one to take care of everything if I was to do that. So, while those who think online classes are easy because we can “go to class” when we want, it really isn’t. I have to hold my toddler while I’m sitting at the computer. Typing with one hand is not easy. Especially since my mind is faster. I get a lot of typos. Thank goodness for automatic correction in word. As soon as I sit to do my work someone hollers for me. Or I hear I’m hungry or I’m thirsty. Yes, I do try to make sure they’ve got eveything they need taken care of and make sure they have plenty to do. It doesn’t always work.

It takes more focus doing online classes than when having to go on campus. Going on campus you have no one but you to worry about. You can sit in class and take notes without being interupted. Can study and focus. At home I have loud, rambunctious, onery but pretty awesome boys. They, at times, can be needy and demanding. I’m the one they depend on. It can be overwhelming and that doesn’t help my anxiety at all.

Online classes, for me, isn’t easy by any means. It may be easy for others that know how to do multiple things all at once. One of my friends, she amazes me at how much she can do at once. I think I would end up in a corner, sucking my thumb, mumbling to myself and rocking back and forth with all that she does. It stresses me out just watching her. I have no idea how people do it. I have tried. And it fills me with rage and raises my anxiety levels so bad that my blood pressure spikes. Nope, multitasking is not my forte.

Other than that I do enjoy learning something new everyday. And I do find time, as small amout that it may be, to do some work without the toddler. Like right now my little one is in my lap asleep as I’m using my mobile phone to type this. There is no way I can move him to bed without him waking up. He’s an extremely light sleeper.

Anyway, I’m going to jump off here. I hope y’all are doing well.

Until next time. . .

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Unlady-like conduct

I’ve been contemplating on whether or not I should voice my opinion about the recent heinous act. So, I said what the heck, everybody else has! 

The weapon is being blamed for this. The weapon itself is not the murderer. The person who pulled the trigger is. Responsible gun owners and domestic terrorists are two completely different things…Let’s not get them confused.

Question is, why haven’t we banned cell phones, alcohol, cars, bombs, knives? They kill people too. Wait, no, the person who was on the cell phone driving killed a person or persons by not paying attention to the road instead, the person driving drunk who drove the car into head on collision, the person who built the bomb who blew up a block, the person wielding the knife…so we should only ban guns? Because it’s in the amendment?

People will purchase a gun WITHOUT going through the proper way. Responsible, law abiding citizens don’t. There are people who drive WITHOUT a license everyday. Responsible, law abiding citizens don’t. 
People will continue to talk and text while driving and potentially cause a fatal accident. Responsible, law abiding citizens don’t. People will continue to drive while intoxicated. Responsible, law abiding citizens will have a DD. Drugs are illegal and banned. We see how well that goes.

There are law abiding citizens who have successfully defended their unalienated rights without having to pull the trigger. There are millions of gun owners that go every single day without having to utilize their weapon. The weapon itself is not the murderer. You have to understand there will always be evil in this world. And if there was a concealed licensed holder that had his or her firearm at the establishment the loss of life would have been drastically less. It would not have taken an armored vehicle busting through the wall to remove the threat while the perp was holding 30 people hostage. This particular area was a no gun zone which meant that the off-duty officer that was there would not have been able to carry his firearm. It goes to show the people that gun-free zones usually only hurt the law abiding citizens.

Owning an automatic weapon legally, requires federal paperwork that takes an average of 18 months to be approved. Every time you want to purchase a gun legally, there is paperwork you have to fill out and if you haven’t been vetted by the federal government, i. e. CHL, security guards, police officers, including military, you still have to fill out paperwork that is called into a federal agency to see if you are legally able to own a weapon. That is for any non automatic weapon.

So please can we get off the guns sack for a minute and and focus on the real killer? 


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Walking Alone

Walking alone isn’t always bad

It’s a time to reflect on the things you’ve had

Pain is a given

It’s what all of us dread

Emotional scars we’ll have ‘til we’re dead

This peaceful walk

That some may hate

For me it’s relaxing

A time to wait

Wait for the calmness

To rush over my soul

To make my body once again feel whole

My story is long

And it’s got a lot of years

Filled with some hurt

And drenched in my tears


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